location26 Seddon St, Ivanhoe VIC 3079

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Common Scenarios Requiring Planning Permits in Melbourne

Planning permits enable owners to use properties in different ways. Ask anyone who has navigated an application through a local Council Planning Department though - it can be a difficult and time consuming process. Ultimately, a good planning permit can significantly increase the value of a property - that’s why they are important to property investors and developers.

If you want to build a single house on a block or renovate an existing house, a planning permit is not typically required. But, if you aim to build multiple dwellings on a block (e.g. undertake a property development) then you will absolutely need one. A few other common reasons to apply for planning permits in Melbourne include:

  • Tree removal
  • Subdivision
  • Change of land use
  • Heritage-listed property alterations
A 2-house project, permits attained in 2020

Navigating the Planning Permit Application Process

Understanding Council Requirements

Council Planning Schemes spell out planning considerations that apply to different neighbourhoods and zones: front, side and rear setbacks, site coverage, private open space sizes/dimensions, maximum build heights, etc. But, it’s only once you submit a full design, with all the competing considerations spelled out, that Councils provide serious feedback about what you’re trying to achieve. The town planning application process takes nearly 12 months, from initial application to RFI response, advertising, notice of decision, and endorsement.

Preparing Your Application

There are a lot of moving parts to Melbourne planning permit applications. Input is needed from a wide variety of planning permit consultants: Surveyor, Arborist, Architect, Drainage Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Town Planner and several others. It’s important to appoint experienced professionals who can provide you with the best possible advice and support. Incomplete or ill-thought applications are simply not entertained by Councils.

The Role of Objections and Appeals

Once your application is submitted, it may be subject to public notice, allowing neighbors and interested parties to raise objections. If objections are received, the council will consider them when making their decision. In some cases, if your application is refused or you disagree with the conditions imposed, you may have the right to appeal the decision at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). The VCAT process adds many months to the planning permit application process and should be avoided if possible.

An 8-townhouse project, permits attain in 2019

The Benefits of Engaging Planning Permit Consultants

Expertise and Experience

The planning permit process in Melbourne can be complex, time-consuming and uncertain. This is where engaging a qualified and experienced planning permit consultant can make all the difference. Property Analytics have in-depth knowledge of Melbourne’s planning schemes, council requirements, and the intricacies of the application process. We can help identify potential challenges and risks, and help you maximise your chance of success in as quick a time as possible.

Streamlining the Application Process

Property Analytics are planning permit consultants who handle the entire application process on your behalf, from initial feasibility studies and pre-application advice to the preparation and submission of your application. Once submitted, Councils reply with an RFI (Request for Further Information). This is when important decisions need to be made – what design changes should you make, where can compromise be found, and what issues are you willing to fight for. Property Analytics are planning permit experts who are experienced at dealing with Council Planning and can move things along efficiently.

Tailored Services for Your Needs

Every planning permit consultant has his/her specific role. An Arborist is solely concerned about the retention value of trees and protection measures needed. An Architect seeks the best possible design outcome in terms of livability and aesthetics. A Town Planner ensures that development concepts conform to Council considerations. Who is focussed on the commercial viability of the planning permit application? How do costs relate to completed values and profitability? Property Analytics takes on this responsibility – we ensure that all planning application decisions align to your development objectives and budgets.

A 3-townhouse project, permits attained in 2023

Choosing the Right Planning Permit Consultant

Every single planning application is different, and there’s something to learn from each one – even for a planning permit expert. When you’re faced with 100+ decisions, it’s so important that you surround yourself with experienced professionals. Choose your planning permit consultant based on their practical knowledge demonstrated through the depth and breadth of projects they’ve completed.

Why Choose Property Analytics as your Planning Permit Consultant

Property Analytics has successfully managed over 50 town planning permit applications in the last few years alone. We have director-level relationships with all planning consultants, and a proven trackrecord of successfully managing applications from start to finish. Every decision we make is considered through a commercial lens (will this lead to better profits are not?). Too often, we analyse properties with permits that add no value. Don’t make the mistake of securing a permit with subpar plans.

A 2-townhouse project, permits attain in 2022
Types of Planning Permits that We Specialise in

Side-by-side street-facing townhouses in the right area can deliver strong profits. They appeal to home buyers.

3+ Townhouses

So much due diligence is needed prior to purchase to ensure concept viability and profitability. It can be complicated.


From simple dual occupancies through to full land subdivisions, there are a lot more moving parts than many think.

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Read What Our Clients Say About us..

“Andrew is pleasure to work with and is great at his job. He is diligent, efficient and communicates in a timely manner. Very professional, trustworthy and importantly has sound judgement regarding property matters. Highly recommended.”

Nigel Mann – Investor star rating

“It has been pleasure working with Andrew. Very experience and knowledgeable in the development space. We were able to secure a suitable development site very shortly after engaging him.”

SB Zhang – Developer star rating

“Andrew Stone has helped immensely with my first investments and developments in the Melbourne market. He marries a high level of industry expertise with commercial common sense and a practical approach. His understanding of the planning process is second to none and has helped to save money and time.”

Jim Sullivan – Investor star rating

“We would like to thank Andrew for his guidance on our journey to purchasing our home. Throughout this process, Andrew had been very patient, receptive and understanding of our needs, and responded to our questions without hesitation or judgement. We couldn't recommend him enough!”

Richard Toh – Homebuyer star rating

“Every encounter with Andrew, regardless of what assistance I required, was one of honesty, integrity and efficiency. I would highly recommend Andrew and Property Analytics to friends and family without hesitation.”

Gordon Hope – Nelson Alexander star rating

“We've completed 2 projects with Property Analytics and have been thrilled with the level of expertise and friendliness of the business. We look forward to adding more projects in the future.”

Mick Harford – Blended Services star rating

“Property Analytics provides invaluable information on market trends with detailed graphs and information which is brilliant to share with our clients.”

David Hart – Buxton star rating

“Walking 'in off the street' one day, I was instantly taken by Andrew's knowledge, enthusiasm and no-nonsense approach to property and development in the Melbourne market. I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Property Analytics.”

Charlie Cook – Developer star rating

“Andrew has proven himself as extremely professional, reliable and acts with the highest integrity. Recommend to anyone looking to make their next move in property.”

Sam Elg – Investor star rating

“Property Analytics knows the Melbourne real estate market very well. Andrew continually provides us information on emerging trends and important market conditions, and explains statistics in simple language that people can understand.”

Steve Abbott – Jellis Craig star rating

We Deliver for Our Clients. Some relevant stats about our services


Properties Purchased

Min 5 / Max 10

Clients on retainer at all times


Townhouse permit approvals

Have questions? See below some FAQs

We strive to be as transparent as possible in all that we do.

What is a Real Estate Analyst?

Someone who’s full time job involves studying real estate and uncovering important property market insights. We seek to understand the Melbourne property market conditions and trends, and future property market forecasts.

What areas do you look at as a Buyers Agent?

Our focus is predominately on the 400+ suburbs that make up the Melbourne property market. As Buyers Agents in Melbourne, we don’t purchase in regional areas or interstate.

What property types do you analyse and buy?

Our primary focus of research is residential real estate, particularly the housing market in Melbourne. We only purchase houses, land and townhouses as Buyers Agents and Property Developer Advisors in Melbourne.

What kind of real estate market analysis do you provide?

We provide graphs, maps and stats that explain the Melbourne property market to sellers, buyers and landlords – where are prices trending, how are auctions tracking, where are buyers coming from…

Where do you get your property data?

We’ve been specialist Property Analysts for over a decade, and have long-term subscriptions with all the most credible data providers: REIV, Core Logic, Pricefinder, Landchecker, ABS, RBA… A big part of our job is consolidating all property data to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Melbourne real estate market.

What are your accreditations?

Our staff have a range of Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees in Business, Real Estate, Construction and Data Management. We are fully licensed Real Estate Buyers Agents, with the required professional indemnity insurance.

Reach out to learn more about our market research and buyer advocacy services.

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